Brief thoughts on media, sex, and sexuality

Note: This was originally written as an addendum to a Facebook post by a person I look up to, i.e., a senpai. I edited the screenshot of the OP’s post for privacy purposes and to translate some phrases to English. This is mostly aimed at Filipinos. For context of OP’s post and all the ruckus going on lately in PH social media, kindly read this and this.

re same sex Continue reading Brief thoughts on media, sex, and sexuality

Book Review: Narnia – C.S. Lewis and His World (David Barratt)


Oftentimes I felt the author fanboyed over C.S. Lewis a lot in this book, that amidst the descriptions on the works and life of the renowned creator of Narnia (which were quite entertaining as well as informative, I must say) were vague and general praises for the revered man. So I was quite lost about what D.B. truly wanted to tell the readers of this book. Or maybe this was exactly the type of book written for the other fans by a fan? Seems fair, as the book was written around the time the movies were in the works.
Continue reading Book Review: Narnia – C.S. Lewis and His World (David Barratt)

A few words, and even more words

My attempt at interpreting my own poems over at twitter. Continue reading A few words, and even more words

Critique time!: “Numb or Dumb? I like you!”

Disclaimer: Despite the title, this post doesn’t get too deep. It uses sarcasm and general observations to make a point. Hence, I won’t argue if someone shows up and says this is a pretty bad argument–of course, only when he comes up with a better one.  😛

I often see this “hugot” expression:

“Are you numb or just dumb? ‘Cause you don’t feel that I f*ckin’ like you!”

And it’s often written and taken as a joke. It’s one of those “been there, done that”, “can relate to that” common train of thought, further spread like wildfire by the handy sharing tools we use today, i.e., social media. But it’s actually a bit problematic and worrisome. Continue reading Critique time!: “Numb or Dumb? I like you!”

A Poem: “Only Lonely” by yours truly

I want a little attention–

a simple “hey” or “hi”

to my direction.

I thirst for human affection–

a smile, a hug,

a shoulder to cry on.


It’s okay to be vulnerable. It’s okay to be dependent. It’s okay to appear “weak.” That is our strength. I hope you have someone to tell your deepest regrets, cravings, happiness, and all other emotions in your seemingly tiny heart that might burst without ever unloading these feelings.

If you want, I can be that someone for you. Just shoot me a tweet or PM.
